Plastic Surgery > Facial Aesthetics

Forehead Lift And Brow Lift

Forehead lift eyebrow lift operation is an operation aiming to look younger in terms of aesthetics and to correct the problems in physical appearance. Parallel lines form in the forehead area due to aging and environmental factors on our face. These lines negatively affect the shape of the eyebrows and eyelids. While parallel lines are formed on the forehead, a vertical line is formed between the eyebrows. People may become uncomfortable with this look over time. With the development of technology in the field of medicine, these problems can be eliminated in a short time with forehead lift and eyebrow lifting. General anesthesia is not required during the operation this procedure can be done by applying sedation. The duration of the procedure may vary between 25-50 minutes depending on the patient’s condition. This operation, which can be applied to people of all ages, has been preferred by men as much as women in recent years.

Types Of Foreheads Lifting Operations

Forehead lift operation can be performed with two different methods. These methods are classical forehead lift and endoscopic forehead lift operations. In the classical forehead lift operation, an incision is made under the scalp and excess skin that causes sagging in the forehead is removed. In the endoscopic method, all muscles and tissues can be seen clearly with the help of the camera at the end of this device. This procedure is done through a very small incision. Excess skin is removed with the help of the device until the eyebrow and forehead skin reaches the point where it should be. The recovery time of the endoscopic operation is much shorter. Forehead lift eyebrow lifting is a comfortable procedure for the patient and can go home the same day, regardless of the method applied. Correct operation technique is very important to obtain a successful result. The doctor first performs a physical examination to decide on the type of operation. During the examination, he questions the patient’s past health history, age and chronic diseases.

Why Is Eyebrow Lifting Operation Performed?

There are some reasons for forehead lift eyebrow lift operation. Therefore, it varies from person to person. In general, the reasons for the operation are:

Loss of elasticity and sagging of the skin due to the cessation of collagen production
Moving the sagging skin to a lower area where the eyebrows should be
Decreased vision and eyelid problems due to muscle droop
Lines on the forehead and low eyebrows constantly creating a tired look
Giving an older look and creating an unhappy face
Even one of these reasons is enough to decide on the operation. Also People who cannot spare time for personal care in their busy work schedule and cannot do skin care regularly are open to skin problems. Therefore, the signs of aging are seen very clearly. With such operations, they can save time by providing great advantages.

Forehead lift eyebrow lift operation has the least complications among aesthetic surgical applications. Bleeding is negligible, but in some cases, complications related to the surgeon and the patient may develop. Infection may develop if the person does not bandages and care procedures regularly after the operation. An incision is made during the operation. These incisions must be bandaged in the first days. The first purpose in aesthetic applications is to preserve the naturalness and prevent the formation of an artificial look. Eyebrow lifting operation should be performed in the right proportions, taking into account the facial features of the person. Excessive raising of the eyebrows also affects the facial expression negatively. For this reason, the surgeon must be experienced in order for the person to be satisfied with the result of the surgery.

Forehead lift and brow lift surgery offers some advantages. After the operation, the person’s visual angle increases and he starts to see more comfortably. Recovery time is very short. Within 10 days, the person can return to his normal life. Looks and physical appearance become completely young, lively and energetic. Eyebrows get a more proportional and natural look. The incisions are not visible because they are removed from the scalp. There are two factor that you need to pay attention to in order to benefit from the advantages of forehead lift and eyebrow lift operations. The first factor is the choosing a surgeon who is specialized in this field and gives importance to natural appearance. The second one is that the operation should be performed in a professional hospital. When deciding on the operation, do detailed research. Do not choose a hospital without research.

The result of the forehead lift eyebrow lift operation varies depending on the person. The results of the operation generally last between 5-10 years. However, procedures such as regular skin care, using the right moisturizing products and taking collagen supplements can increase the permanence of the operation. The surgeon who performs the procedure shares his post-operative care and recommendations with you. In addition, regular visits to the doctor provide great advantages. You can get help from your doctor in choosing the right product for your skin type. Knowing your skin and knowing it needs always provides great benefits for you.

If the eyebrow lift is applied alone, it can usually be completed in 20 minutes. However, depending on the age of the patient, skin elasticity and sagging in the face area, forehead lift and eyebrow lift operation can be applied in combination. In such cases, the operation may take 1 hour. The method of the operation and the degree of sagging of the person are the factors affecting the duration of the operation. In addition, the hand experience of the surgeon performing the procedure is another important factor in terms of time. Since successful and experienced surgeons complete this operation in a short time, they also shorten the recovery time of the patients. The shorter the duration of medical practices, the shorter the recovery times of the patients.

Forehead lift eyebrow lift operation is applied from the bottom or inside of the scalp. As time progresses, the hair that comes out prevents the scars from appearing. Since the incisions are very small in the procedure applied with the endoscopic method, there is absolutely no scar. If scarring bothers you, you should consult your doctor and choose the appropriate treatment method. The most important criterion of medical operations performed for aesthetic purposes is to prevent scarring. Forehead lift surgery is as painless as nose correction surgery. Since they are applied to look young and increase self-confidence, scarring is undesirable. You can get rid of these scars with the operation method and post-operative wound care. Wound care creams produced in recent years cause cell regeneration. With the regular use of these creams, surgical scars can be removed forever.

The operation fees are determined according to the center of the hospital where the operation is performed, the operation price of the surgeon, the type of method used for the procedure, the duration of the operation and the combined treatments to be applied. Aesthetic operations are not covered by the insurance company. Operation prices in private hospitals are different from each other. In order not to buy the same procedure by paying too much, you should do a detailed research. You should prefer non-commercial hospitals that prioritize human health. You can get service from our institution in order to have an operation that is successful and you will be satisfied with the result. For detailed information you can contact us through our call center.

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